A downloadable newspaper

This is an in-game newspaper for the city of Galgenbeck in the Mörk Borg world.

Several stories are meant to tie into other Mörk Borg adventures.

Also included are the (Affinity publisher) source files for you to modify the text to your wishes. You will need the JSL BlackletterJSL Ancient fonts installed.

All images are public domain and out of copyright.

This is an independent production by George Pollard and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.


Galgenbeck Echo Printable Image 3.3 MB
Galgenbeck Echo Assets 6.8 MB

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